What Makes a Great Consultant

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A consultant’s job is to provide external advice and services to companies needing special expertiseA project can last a few hours to a few years and the customer changes constantly. While it can be a challenge, the variety keeps it interesting and provides experiences to prepare you to be the best in your field.

I am in the tech industry and have been consulting and managing consultants for over 12 years. Here is what I found makes a great consultant:

  • Leads by serving, sharing their knowledge and building consensus.
  • Has genuine interest in the customer and the business value of the project.
  • Asks the customer how they define success and checks in often to ensure they are meeting those expectations.
  • Is a lifelong learner and works to be a subject matter expert in their field.
  • Enjoys variety in their job and adapts easily to changes to their workflow.
  • Leaves their ego behind, and instead, favors a successful project over being right.
  • Enjoys working within a team towards a common goal.

Success in consulting is not just what you do, but how you do it. These skills can be developed, but it takes practice and more importantly, the desire to do so.